Meet the Trainers
In Australia, in order to deliver the COPE program, occupational therapists must have successfully received training from a COPE Master trainer.
Meet the Trainers
Currently the COPE Master trainers in Australia are:
Kate Laver – PhD, M Clin Rehab, B App Sc (OT)
Kate is an occupational therapist with clinical experience working with older people in home and rehabilitation settings. Her PhD examined the use of innovative technologies in rehabilitation settings. She leads studies of applied research translation, including forming collaboratives and training health professionals to support them to deliver evidence-based programs. She also has an interest in applying innovative approaches to service delivery such as telehealth. She was involved in coordinating the National Clinical Practice Guidelines and Principles of Care for People with Dementia and is now working as a NHMRC-ARC Dementia Research Development Fellow. She was the co-lead investigator looking at translation of COPE into the Australian context. Kate was one of the original COPE Master trainers in Australia, adapting the original program to the Australian context and developing COPE Australia training.
Michelle Hogan – BNurs, RN, CDE

Michelle is a Registered Nurse and Credentialled Diabetes Educator. She is currently working as a Client Safety & Quality Consultant and works closely with the Research and Development Unit at Helping Hand Aged Care. Michelle has worked in the aged care area for over 7 years in a variety of roles including Student Facilitator, Project Manager, Clinical Education Consultant, and Quality and Risk Business Partner. She has also worked in the community and acute care areas as well as clinical research. Michelle’s professional interests include: integration and translation of evidence based research into organisations; coaching and mentoring of staff as an education tool; dementia; and, research in aged care. Michelle was the original Master Nurse Trainer for COPE Australia.
Sally Day – MPH, B App Sc (OT)
Sally is an occupational therapist with clinical experience working in health and aged care. Sally has worked in Australia and the UK in acute hospital, rehabilitation and community settings. She completed a Master of Public Health at the University of New South Wales. She is passionate about supporting people living with dementia and promoting the role that occupational therapists can play in providing comprehensive dementia specific assessment and intervention in the community. She is currently undertaking her PhD looking at cultural adaptation of occupational therapy dementia programs. Sally was the project manager for the COPE Australia project and was one of the original COPE Master trainers in Australia, adapting the original program to the Australian context and developing COPE Australia training.